Kindergarten and primary school group Simone Veil

Last modified by the author on 12/06/2015 - 10:59
  • Building Type : School, college, university
  • Construction Year : 2014
  • Delivery year : 2014
  • Address 1 - street : 1, Promenade des Rêveries 38300 BOURGOIN JAILLEU, France
  • Climate zone : [Csb] Coastal Mediterranean - Mild with cool, dry summer.

  • Net Floor Area : 2 455 m2
  • Construction/refurbishment cost : 4 541 268 €
  • Number of Pupil : 350 Pupil
  • Cost/m2 : 1849.8 €/m2
  • Primary energy need
    15.3 kWhep/
    (Calculation method : RT 2012 )
Energy consumption
Economical buildingBuilding
< 50A
51 à 90B
91 à 150C
151 à 230D
231 à 330E
331 à 450F
> 450G
Energy-intensive building

Located along the street structuring the reconversion of the Diederichs industrial site, along the urban park of the Lilattes on Grand Tissage Avenue, the school group benefits from a location that lets it stand out as an institutional building.

The project set up the program in two two-storeys buildings on the northern limits (kindergarten) and South (primary school) of the plot. The two buildings are connected by a building functioning as a "bridge" along the street, anchored to the ground by an organic volume hosting the common spaces. This distribution preserves the opening of the playground to the park while forming the covered yards. The access to elementary and kindergarten are distinct.

The northern and southern facades are coated with a masonned coating, interrupted by the joinery of the bays their fixed sunscreens. The western facade is composed with wooden planks and cladding that creates a relationship with the nearby park. The courtyards are separated by a shrubby limit, which could disappear, depending on how teaching practices. Medium trees are planted to shade acesses and the western side of the "bridge" building.

Sustainable development approach of the project owner

Construction of a low consumption school complex
High demands in integration to the site
High demands in thermal comfort, daylight, visual and acoustic comforts
High demands in air quality
High demands in maintenance perenity
High demands in waste management

Architectural description

Located along the street structuring the reconversion of the Diederichs industrial site, along the urban park of the Lilattes on Grand Tissage Avenue, the school group benefits from a location that lets it stand out as an institutional building.

The project set up the program in two two-storeys buildings on the northern limits (kindergarten) and South (primary school) of the plot. The two buildings are connected by a building functioning as a "bridge" along the street, anchored to the ground by an organic volume hosting the common spaces. This distribution preserves the opening of the playground to the park while forming the covered yards. The access to elementary and kindergarten are distinct.

The northern and southern facades are coated with a masonned coating, interrupted by the joinery of the bays their fixed sunscreens. The western facade is composed with wooden planks and cladding that creates a relationship with the nearby park. The courtyards are separated by a shrubby limit, which could disappear, depending on how teaching practices. Medium trees are planted to shade acesses and the western side of the "bridge" building.

Building users opinion

Ongoing survey

See more details about this project


    Other consultancy agency


    Stéphane Nardy - [email protected]

    Design office economy

    Other consultancy agency


    Alain Clément - [email protected]

    Kitchen design office

    Other consultancy agency


    Cecillia Ellul - [email protected]

    Soil remediation design office

    Environmental consultancy


    Nathalie Moral - [email protected]

    Auditor RT2012

Contracting method

Separate batches

Type of market

Global performance contract

Energy consumption

  • 15,30 kWhep/
  • 82,50 kWhep/
  • RT 2012

    Consumptions are expressed as primary energy
    - Heating 34.00 kWhep/m².year
    - Cooling 0.00 KWhep/m².year
    - Hot Water 2,00 kWhep/m²
    - Lighting 7,90 kWhep/m²
    - Auxiliaries 6,30 kWhep/m²

Real final energy consumption

    51,15 kWhef/

Envelope performance

    Bbio = 41.9; Bbio Bbiomax = - 49.21%

    Building "clasps"
    Timber-concrete structure: heavy inertia (restricted access to inertia through suspended ceiling in the rooms)
    Wall: rockwool external thermal insulation 20cm
    Roof: vegetated roof 24 cm PUR
    Paving: 8cm PUR

    Building "bridge"
    Timber-Steel structure: light inertia
    Wall: 24cm rockwool
    Roof: Membrane 20cm heavy wooden wool + 8 cm rockwool to strengthen inertia
    Floor: projection mineral wool 300mm + 75mm wood fiber panel

    Double glazed wood joinery low-emissive argon, solar control adapted to orientations
    Avoided thermal bridges: psi Ratio: 0.05 W / (m².K)


  • 0,77
  • Ongoing survey

More information

Underway, stock expected in October 2015


    • Condensing gas boiler
    • Water radiator
    • Low temperature floor heating
    • Condensing gas boiler
    • Individual electric boiler
    • No cooling system
    • Natural ventilation
    • Free-cooling
    • humidity sensitive Air Handling Unit (hygro A
    • Double flow heat exchanger
    • No renewable energy systems

    Assisted natural ventilation through turrets in classes and common spaces.
    Assisted natural ventilation through openings are piloted in circulation spaces.

Smart Building

    Management: boiler, heating circuit, BMS in the school restaurant, blinds and sun breakers, openings for ventilation, general extinction of lighting. Monitoring: counteing of energies (gas, water, electricity) by, Supervisor TREND 963 - 6 Auto

    Remote access to BMS information from a remote computer station.

    First steps and adjustments in progress (first year) Favourable Opinion

Urban environment

  • 2 595,00 m2
  • 61,00 %
  • 1 300,00
  • Prow implementation of a conversion site near a large treed park, along a treed road to the city center.




    Structural work / Passive system

    Natural light intake by duct from the roof;

    Very well received generous contribution of light on the second row in classes

Construction and exploitation costs

  • 585 840
  • 4 541 268

Water management

  • 1 500,00 m3
  • Rainwater is timed on the roof before being discharged into the network according the prescribed leakage rate.
    Water collected in the yard infiltrates into the vegetated ditch separating the two courtyards.

Indoor Air quality

    Measured VOCs concentrations in the various rooms are well below the indoor air guide values ​​(see ratio measurements). Air renewal rate: 25m3/h.person, higher than the norm. Anticipation of the recommendations to come on air quality in childcare institutions


    Direct access to classrooms for kindergarten classes and ground level school restaurants.
    Natural lighting of all spaces, second day by skylights in the kindergarten classes, second day by window bays in circulations in elementary classes.
    Brightness control by adjustable external sun breakers in classrooms, by interior blinds in the dorms and the audiovisual room.
    Natural ventilation assisted with turrets, modulated class by class and by indoor and external temperature sensors plus a VOC sensor.
    Autonomous night overventilation

    Special attention on the materials used: selection of healthy and low-emission VOC materials, European ecolabel

    mesures en cours

    Sensitive premises (dormitories) have been distanced from potential noise sources (roads and courtyards)
    Implementation of a screed against impact noise (motricity room upstairs)
    Implementation of absorbing wood panels perforated to strengthening the absorption (school restaurant and motricity room)
    Implementation of privacy protections in bullet pierced wooden panels to partition refectories and avoid vocal escalation voice (calling out from one end of the room to the other)

    Inside acoustic tests
    Emission - Outside on Grand Tissage Avenue; Reception - Resting Room 4: Windcatcher open = 39dB, Windcatcher closed = 38dB; Isolation required DNTA, tr = 35 dB; C compliant

    Emission - Outdoor (North Park); Reception - Resting room 1: Windcatcher open = 40dB, Windcatcher closed = 40dB; Isolation required DNTA, tr = 35 dB; C compliant

    Emission - Courtyard ; Reception - Preschool Room 4: Windcatcher open = 39dB, Windcatcher closed = 38dB; Isolation required DNTA, tr = 35 dB; C compliant

GHG emissions

  • 8,74 KgCO2/m2/an
  • RT2012

Life Cycle Analysis

    Local wood for framing, siding, insulation and joinery
    Linoleum flooring
    Paints with European ecolabel

Reasons for participating in the competition(s)

Paralèllement à la maîtrise des émissions de gaz à effets de serre, la question de la santé et des conforts a été l'objet d'une attention méticuleuse pour ce groupe scolaire.
  • Au delà du confort d'hiver, le confort thermique d'été est déjà et sera de façon croissante dans les prochaines années une problématique essentielle du cadre bâti. Concevoir une école capable de se maintenir sans système de rafraîchissement actif à une température maximale de 26° après 3 jours de canicule et avec 30 élèves par classe est le défi que l'équipe a su relever, constat à l'appui en ce début juillet.
  • Par l'intégration croisée des vecteurs ambiantaux : Orientation bioclimatique, inertie lourde et sur-isolation de l'enveloppe, protection solaire exhaustive, surventilation naturelle assistée, albédo élevé des sols extérieurs et préservation d'enclaves d'espaces verts, l'école s'adapte aux fortes amplitudes de la variation climatique avec un recours à l'énergie quasi nul.
D'autres facteurs agissent fortement sur le confort et la santé des occupants :
  • la qualité de l'air favorise le calme et la concentration : Dans cette école, installée sur un ancien site industriel, l'enjeu était double, portant sur le CO2 comme dans tout établissement et de surcroit sur les polluants spécifiques.
  • Ici le renouvellement d'air adopté anticipe sur la réglementation pour les lieux d'accueil des jeunes enfants avec un taux de 25m3/h.personne. Les matériaux sont choisis avec soin parmi les labels certifiant d’émission minimale de COV. Les mesures de concentration de COV réalisés à réception confirment la réussite de la démarche.
  • De plus le système choisi : une ventilation naturelle double flux assistée, par tourelle, est innovant et demande entretien quasi nul au regard des systèmes mécaniques, où gaines et filtres sont susceptibles de s'encrasser.
  • la qualité acoustique des locaux indispensable à la qualité de l'attention des élèves a été validée par les tests de fin de chantier.
  • l'influence bénéfique de la lumière du jour est valorisée par le dimensionnement généreux des baies, la maîtrise du dosage grâce aux protections mobiles et l'apport de lumière du jour en second rang.
  • les vues et les accès à l’extérieur, la relation privilégiée des cours à l'espace public encourage le lien social, et participe à la pacification des relations dans la cité.

Building candidate in the category

Health & Comfort

Health & Comfort

Green Building Solutions Awards 2015

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Tekhne Architectes

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Green Building Solutions Awards 2015